Why 20 Minute HIIT Workouts Are So Effective?

Why 20 Minute HIIT Workouts Are So Effective?

Posted on August 8th, 2023

Hey there, lovely folks of Hazlerigg! We're the team behind PROFITNESS INFUSION Fitness Studio, nestled in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne. 

If you've been hearing the buzz about HIIT workouts and wondering what the fuss is all about, you've landed at the right place. 

Our passion lies in keeping our community fit, and today, we're unravelling the magic behind the 20-minute HIIT workout. 

Ready to jump in? Let's go!

1. The Basics: Unravelling the HIIT Workout

HIIT – or High-Intensity Interval Training as the pros call it – is a form of exercise where you alternate between bursts of intense activity and periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. Picture this: sprinting like you're in the Olympics for 30 seconds, followed by a chilled-out 60-second walk, and then back to the sprint.

The Rise of HIIT

Why has HIIT taken the fitness world by storm? It's adaptable, for starters. Whether you're easing into your first beginner HIIT workout or you're an old hand, HIIT moulds itself around you. Plus, with the freedom to HIIT anywhere – from our top-notch studio to your backyard – you're not tethered to one spot.

Decoding the 20 Minute Magic

Time's ticking, and we're all about maximising results. A 20-minute HIIT workout is your golden ticket. Short, sharp, and incredibly effective, it's like condensing an hour's worth of sweat into a power-packed 20-minute window.

2. Efficiency: HIIT's Middle Name

Our lives are busier than ever, and squeezing in effective workouts can be a juggling act. This is where HIIT classes swoop in like a superhero.

Calorie Torching Session

Studies have consistently shown that a solid HIIT cardio workout can incinerate calories in a surprisingly short timeframe. Those intense bursts? They ensure your body's working in overdrive, leading to a more significant calorie burn.

Feel the Afterburn

Post HIIT, your body turns into a calorie-burning machine. Thanks to the afterburn effect or EPOC, you're torching calories even while binge-watching your favourite series. Not too shabby, right?

3. It's Fantastic for Cardiovascular Health

Any exercise is beneficial for your heart, but HIIT workouts offer a unique cardio boot camp experience that takes heart health to the next level.

Gets the Heart Pumping

The rapid and intense bursts of activity in a HIIT workout push your heart to work at its maximum potential. As you alternate between high and low-intensity periods, your heart learns to adjust and cope with varying demands. This not only strengthens it but also increases cardiovascular endurance over time. What's more, as your heart gets accustomed to these intense spurts, it becomes more resilient and better equipped to handle stress, both in workouts and in everyday situations.

Increases Oxygen Consumption

Traditional workouts have their place, but when it comes to oxygen consumption, HIIT stands out. The high-intensity intervals lead to a significant rise in your metabolic rate, which, in turn, boosts your oxygen consumption. More than just a stat, this increased oxygen usage translates to better stamina, more efficient workouts, and improved heart health.

4. Adaptable for All Fitness Levels

Remember our talk about the beginner HIIT workout? One of HIIT's standout qualities is its sheer adaptability, catering to all fitness stages.

Customise Your Intervals

No two individuals are the same, and neither are their fitness levels. With HIIT, you're in the driver's seat. If sprinting feels too intense, you can adjust the intensity to match your current capacity. And as you grow stronger and more comfortable, you can incrementally challenge yourself, ensuring you're continually progressing and reaping the benefits.

Mix Up Exercises

HIIT is all about flexibility. You aren't restricted to a specific set of exercises. Love cycling? Brilliant! Fancy a bit of plyometrics or keen on shaking a leg? That works too! With HIIT, you can incorporate almost any activity, keeping things interesting and ensuring you stay engaged and motivated.

5. It's Just Downright Fun

We might be a tad biased here at PROFITNESS INFUSION, but we genuinely believe that HIIT workouts bring a zest and energy that's hard to beat.

Break the Monotony

Let's face it, traditional workouts, while effective, can sometimes fall into a repetitive loop. But with HIIT, every session brings a new challenge. The varying intensities and exercises ensure that you're not just going through the motions. Instead, each workout becomes an exhilarating challenge, a chance to push boundaries and discover your potential.

Join the Community

There's a special kind of magic in sharing a workout journey, and our HIIT classes at PROFITNESS INFUSION bear testament to that. The sense of camaraderie, the shared highs, the collective push through the challenging bits — it's a community vibe that keeps you coming back for more. And there's something incredibly motivating about knowing you're not in it alone.

In Conclusion

So there you have it — the undeniable allure of a 20-minute HIIT workout. It's not just a trend; it's a scientifically-backed, heart-pumping, community-building fitness approach. And with its adaptability, it caters to everyone, from HIIT rookies to seasoned pros.

Fancy a deep dive into this adrenaline-charged world? We're here at PROFITNESS INFUSION, always ready to guide and support your fitness journey. 

Don't be a stranger; ring us up at 0191 680 9332 or drop a line at [email protected]. Let's set the fitness world ablaze, one HIIT session at a time! 

Cheers to a future of health, strength, and endless fun!